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Thursday, 21 December 2017

HOW TO FIX: 'Outlook requires Microsoft Outlook Express 4.01' error after upgrading to Windows 10 1709

HOW TO FIX: 'Cannot start Microsoft Outlook. Outlook requires Microsoft Outlook Express 4.01 or greater...' error when trying to start Outlook XP (2002) after installing the Windows 10 Creators Fall update (version 1709) or April update (1803)

This error occurs because of two missing registry keys:
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{7790769C-0471-11d2-AF11-00C04FA35D02}
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{44BBA840-CC51-11CF-AAFA-00AA00B6015C}
The error can be fixed by exporting and importing the missing keys from a working system or downloading replacements from the following links:
Once downloaded, double click the .reg file and proceed past the warnings by clicking 'Yes', 'Yes' and 'OK'.

Sunday, 18 June 2017

HOW TO FIX: BullGuard Optimize Scan Stuck at 75%

Problem: When an 'Optimize' scan within BullGuard Internet Security is initiated, the scan starts normally but sticks at 75% whilst scanning 'Windows cleanup', finally completing several hours later. The problem was occurring on a Dell desktop PC running Windows Vista. The file that the scan reportedly sticks on varies.

BullGuard Optimize Scan stuck at 75%

Resolution: I finally found that the problem was caused by a corrupt registry key (HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\CLSID). The solution was to export the key, delete it and then reimport it with the following process:

1. Using the keyboard, press the Windows flag key (bottom left) and the 'R' key together to bring up the 'Run' dialogue box.

2. Type in 'regedit' and click on 'OK'.

3. Click on 'Continue' if a 'User Account Control' message appears.

4. Navigate to the following key: 
To do this, first click the + symbol to the left of the HKEY_CURRENT_USER key, then click the + symbol to the left of the Software key in the list displayed below. Finally, click the + symbol to the left of the Classes key. This should display a long list of keys, including CLSID.

5. Right click on the 'CLSID' key. From the menu that appears, click on 'Export'.

6. Click on 'Desktop' on the left of the window that appears. Click inside the 'File name' box, type in 'CLSID' and click on 'Save'.

7. Right click on the 'CLSID' key for a second time. From the menu that appears, click on 'Delete'.

8. Within the warning message that appears, click on 'Yes'.

9. Click the 'X' in the top right corner of the screen to close Registry Editor.

10. On the main Desktop screen, double click on the file 'CLSID' saved earlier.

11. Click on 'Continue' if a 'User Account Control' message appears.

12. Click on 'Yes' in the warning message that appears.

13. Right click on the 'CLSID' file. From the menu that appears, click on 'Delete'.

14. In the warning message that appears, click on 'Yes'.

15. Restart the BullGuard Optimize scan - it should now complete successfully.

Monday, 1 May 2017

HOW TO FIX: Sorry that Didn't Work Android Print Error

I have come across the above error many times when trying to print wirelessly from a range of Android devices: After the 'Print' option is chosen from the applicable menu, a message appears simply stating:

'Sorry that Didn't work'

A 'Retry' option makes no difference, and the error continues to appear. Updating Android, installing and reinstalling printer services and using different apps makes no difference. The fault does appear to be intermittent on some devices.

As the problem appears to be so widespread, I'm amazed there is not more information about it online. It may affect Samsung devices more than others, but I have seen the problem with other equipment as well.

After searching for a solution for a long time, I came across a forum post from somebody that had repeatedly experienced the error, and had to keep carrying out a downgrade of 'Android System Webview' in order for printing to work. Not having had much experience with Android, I had never heard of this component before, but decided it might be worth a look at. The device I was trying to rectify the problem on at the time was running a different version of Android, so I tried updating 'Android System Webview' rather than downgrading it. Amazingly, it fixed the problem, and has fixed the problem on at least one other device since.

I'm not sure if this will fix the error in every situation, but it's definitely worth a try. 'Android System Webview' can be updated from the Google Playstore or by following the link here:

Sunday, 1 January 2017

HOW TO: Rotate a Photo (Windows 7)

To rotate a photo, bring it up on the screen, then click the curled arrow in the direction that the picture needs to be rotated. The result should be immediate.